So as I was doing my cardio incline workout on the treadmill tonight,
I saw my phone was blinking.
I had a message from a friend on facebook.
Here is what it said:
Just wanted to tell you that I am cheering you on!!! I am proud of you for wanting to tackle this! Wish I could offer some time to join you and push you through the frustrating times - they will come but even if you get to that point, try me...I may be frustrated enough with school that I need an outlet!! LOL!! Keep after it girl!! You will get the results you want and you will be thankful and stronger bc you fought through it!!
I know how hard it is. You are doing great! Loosen the laces at the bottom closest to your toes. It will feel weird at first, but truly does work. Its haredest to get going but it will become habit and feel wierd to miss a day. :-) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!
Thank you so much Kim! Good advice. I will try that!
I can feel it becoming habit already. Heading out to take the youth group on a ski trip this weekend, but I decided not to ski, so I was actually worried about not doing any physical activity all weekend. Who would've thought? I went and got some snow boots and now me and a friend are going to take long walks outside. Looking forward to a great weekend!
P.S. I will let you know how the loosened shoelaces works :)
Great idea to loosen the shoe laces!!! I'm going to try that too! :)
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