Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Finishers Wanted" ::: Robyn

We’re back!!!! To get us kick started we’re doing a diet bet!!! So fun! Join us!

I was thinking about blogging this morning and searching the web for my favorite poem. I have it memorized, but wanted to copy and paste it. :) In my search I found this Finishers Wanted. It’s a message that was given in 1989 by the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, Thomas S Monson. At the time he was second counselor in the first presidency. I know that many of you are not of my faith or maybe of any faith. I hope that you will continue reading my post anyhow. These words were exactly what I needed today as I struggle to wrap my head around where I find myself.

The message is titled “Finishers Wanted”. Just the title alone gets me. It’s what I want for myself. Although the message isn’t about weight loss at all, it’s about the “race of life”,  it is exactly the message that I need. It gives me a clear vision and path in my journey.

President Mondson says, “In life, as in business, there has always been a need for those persons who could be called finishers. Their ranks are few, their opportunities many, their contributions great.”

I want to be a finisher. I feel bad about where I find myself now. I feel as if I have failed, but the truth is that I am still in the midst of the race. I have fallen. There are many who have forged ahead of me. But, it’s really not about speed or where I finish at all. I’m still in the race. I can get up, dust myself off and continue on. I can be a finisher!

Ecclesiastes 9:11 says: ... the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong….

My children often quote the story of the turtle and the hare. My journey will not be swift. I have many obstacles that make weight loss more difficult. However, my journey can be slow and steady. I have repeatedly lost my way. But, in this day, I am recommitting myself. I can be slow and steady. Steady being the real key for me.  

President Monson shares the “true marks of a finisher”
1. The Mark of Vision
2. The Mark of Effort
3. The Mark of Faith
4. The Mark of Virtue
5. The Mark of Courage
6. The Mark of Prayer

He obviously expands on all of these and if you are interested I encourage you to read his message. But, this is my new vision for this weight loss journey. I feel more prepared to embark on this hard road ahead of me.
My favorite poem that started all of this:

Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you;   
Beginners are many, but enders are few.   
Honor, power, place and praise   
Will always come to the one who stays. Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you;
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it, too;
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile
Will come life’s victories after a while.

I am especially trying to “bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too” with all capitol letter in SMILE!!!  Because I want to live a long healthy life. Because I want to feel good about myself both mentally and physically. Because my body is a temple.
So, here we go again!!!
Finishers Wanted, I will finish this!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

guess what???? we're backkkk...

robyn and i have really felt led to recommit to our health journey.
we feel like we're ready to start blogging again, but more importantly, to get back to making our health our priority!
thank you to everyone who has supported us and kept us accountable!
we tried to think of something fun to do, to kick off this next round.
so here it is: we challenge you to lose 4% of your total body weight in 4 weeks.
we have set up a diet bet.
for those unfamiliar with that, it is an online challenge where you weigh in (you can set it to private so none of us can see, if you'd like) and you try and lose 4% of your weight in 4 weeks.
you pay $25 to the pot and all those who lose the 4% will split the pot.
making money while losing weight at the same time?
pretty sweet!
of course, robyn and I will be joining you.
people talk about accountability, well here you go.
this will definitely keep you accountable.
we're excited to get back to it and share with you where we have been and where we hope to go!
to sign up for the diet bet, go here 

so by the end of the 4 weeks, we will all be in the habit to lose weight and become more fit!
let's DO it!!!