Okey dokey. Here we go!
So I started this journey of shedding these pounds about 3 weeks ago. And last week I got the infamous message from Robyn asking if I wanted to do this weight loss thing together so we could be a support and encouragement for each other. I was so super excited when she also suggested we start this blog. I knew this would keep me accountable and maybe we could even encourage someone else in the process!
Here's what's been going on with me so far...
I have really been watching my food intake. I am doing Weight Watchers Online, so I'm trying my very best to track my food, although those little nibbles of leftover chicken nuggets from my kids don't quite make it into my tracker, but hey, I'm not perfect.
The two things I try and do everyday are to eat breakfast and not eat after 8pm. That 8pm thing is a super hard one for me since my kiddos go to bed at 7:30 and my hubby and I don't go to bed until midnight. That is my "work time" and although I get a lot done, we both used to use that time to snack. But not anymore! I'm trying to stay dedicated to that one!
I have also started going to a Zumba class on Tuesdays with my sister. We even did a Zumba-thon last Saturday. Do you know what a Zumbathon is? That would be {TWO HOURS} of straight Zumba. My feet and knees hurt so bad, but after hearing that we had burned between 800-1000 calories, I knew it was all worth it!
Then the big news is that last night I actually went and joined a gym! I worked out last night, this morning and I'm about to go back tonight when my hubby and I get the kids to bed! I'm just so excited!!! Now that's just crazy talk for me!! But it's true. I am really enjoying it...partly because I get to watch TV while on the treadmill or elliptical, but whatever.
So here I am.
Weighing in for the first time on a blog.
It's actually pretty exciting!
So here it goes.
Drum roll please....
As of this morning, I am down {8.5 POUNDS}!!!!!
{And yes, that 1/2 is very important to me...}
Of course I did eat Chinese food for dinner....but now I'm headed to the gym...so all is well :)
So excited to say adios to each one of those 8 pounds and especially that half! I hope to never see them on me again. Now, realistically, I know there will be challenges, but I am committed to keep it going until all 70 lbs are gone!
Next weigh in is next Wednesday, so stay tuned y'all...
{me, 8.5 lbs lighter}